Recommind and Its 2009 Positioning

July 6, 2009

Short honk: I find the shifting and twisting of search vendors interesting. In I learned that Recommind was described as “a leader in search-powered information risk management (IRM) software”. You can read the story “Recommind Survey Finds Global Recession Making Information Risk Worse For Large Enterprises” here. The company landed a new search account described in this way:

Recommind has announced that Seyfarth Shaw LLP has selected Recommind’s MindServer Search application as the search layer powering the firm’s new Microsoft SharePoint portal.

My take is that Recommind is a vendor of search systems. It is describing itself as a leader in a new field, information risk management. Interesting.

Stephen Arnold, June 6, 2009


One Response to “Recommind and Its 2009 Positioning”

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