Bing and Censorship

July 20, 2009

Short honk: A reader alerted me to the filter that chops out certain content and creates a collection of a mini vertical search engine for segmented content. The filter is now applied to X rated content. You can read about the filter in Network World’s story “Bing Gets Porn domain to Filter Out Explicit Images and Videos”. There are a number of complicated issues in play. The present solution creates an interesting revenue generating opportunity for Will Microsoft exploit it? I wonder how different this type of filtering from the Amazon filtering of certain content?

Stephen Arnold, July 20, 2009


One Response to “Bing and Censorship”

  1. jimmmmybrady on August 30th, 2009 8:11 am

    Bing also censors searches that may yield unfavorable information about ISLAM.When you search” Islam is evil”or “evil Islam”the results are always non related.WHY?

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