Generational Confusion and Online

August 5, 2009

I am a member of the computer-surprised Generation X. I’ve ridden the wave of the Internet since the first AOL accounts, and I am continually surprised by new technology: iPhones, G3 network, texting, live video chat, and so on. My niece and nephew are members of the digital Generation Z. They eat up the technology without blinking. Now there’s cloud search, social networking, semantic analysis, and instant access to the Internet by way of mobile devices. So when I saw this Network World article at that talks about how “Generation Y” is going to have to learn to make more flexible applications with the new Web 2.0 work for them, I had to shake my head. Apologies to the analyst, but it seems to me he’s stating the obvious. He does specify that newer applications aren’t available in the enterprise market yet, but it’s certainly coming, and fast. I think that it’s Generation X and older who are going to have the steeper learning curve.

Jessica Bratcher, August 5, 2009


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