Large Online Lab Experiment: Charging for News
August 6, 2009
Short honk: I am looking forward to the results of the News Corporation’s decision to charge for its news. Actually, according to MarketWatch’s story “News Corp. Swings to Loss on Charges” reported:
“Quality journalism is not cheap, and an industry that gives away its content is simply cannibalizing its ability to produce good reporting,” Murdoch said.
The addled goose does only old information, certainly not news and never quality journalism. The addled goose learned when he had to generate revenue from commercial online products (successfully I must add) is that making a profit from electronic information required a different mindset from the traditional newspaper who hired him. Those tricks are still mostly unknown even among some online publishing wizards.
Now the big lab experiment is underway. The likelihood of the mice dying is high.
Stephen Arnold, August 6, 2009