Yahoo IBM Tie May Be Warped by Microsoft

August 6, 2009

Computer World’s “Yahoo Deal Puts IBM, Microsoft in Enterprise Search Pickle” seems to a bit of a stretch. The idea is that the tie up between Microsoft and Yahoo will create a problem for IBM’s enterprise search promotion. Computer World argues that IBM OmniFind Yahoo! Edition will be a victim of Microsoft’s control of Yahoo search. Microsoft has Bing and its Microsoft Fast ESP (soon to be released we hear). Therefore, the IBM deal with Yahoo is a goner. We’re not too concerned. The IBM Yahoo OmniFind search system is Lucene. If that were not sufficient reason to kill the deal, Yahoo’s partner is IBM. IBM probably would want to bow out of the tie up. It remembers its first deal with Mr. Gates and company and probably OS/2 Warp. IBM’s previous dealings with Microsoft were interesting. Furthermore, we don’t think that there has been much traction for OmniFind with or without Yahoo.

Jessica Bratcher, August 6, 2009


One Response to “Yahoo IBM Tie May Be Warped by Microsoft”

  1. Technology Slice on August 6th, 2009 5:52 am

    If Yahoo and Microsoft together can’t beat Google no one has a chance.

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