Autonomy and Its Play in the Security Game

August 19, 2009

The ace search and content processing marketer is at it again. I read “Autonomy and Verdasys Expands EIP Alliance” and was initially baffled with the acronym “EIP”. After a bit of game show puzzling, I figured out that the “EIP” referred to enterprise information protection. The coinage is a blend of security and governance, two hot trends in the enterprise. Autonomy and Verdasys have had a tie up in place for about a year. The new deal, said the ComputerWire release:

Verdasys will use Autonomy’s core infrastructure software Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) to power its content inspection and data classification application Digital Guardian.

When I read this story, I thought about Oracle’s “secure enterprise search” play. Autonomy has taken a plain Jane topic like security and sent it to a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. The result is a new packaging of plain Jane. Oracle had a good idea with SES10g but could not get her a date. Autonomy has found a way to make this approach have some sizzle.

Autonomy’s ability to work marketing magic in the search and content processing sector is one of the company’s core competencies. Some of Autonomy’s competitors send me news releases that do not break new marketing ground. Autonomy finds a fresh trail through the prairie that others have traversed before.

Stephen Arnold, August 19, 2009


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