Autonomy and BB&D Tie Up

September 4, 2009

You will want to read the Reuters’ version of this story: “BB&D Group Selects Autonomy as Preferred Partner for Pan-Enterprise Search and High End Information Processing.” On the surface, Autonomy sings a deal with a South African software development company. Africa is the apple of Google’s eye, and Autonomy is quick to recognize opportunities as well. What interested me was the wording of the headline. The idea is that the South African company “selected” Autonomy. Most of these tie ups are a bit like a high school dating ritual. The software vendor needs a partner. The partner needs a product or “big name” to add impact to its sales activities. In the most sophisticated partner match ups, the partner has to pursue the larger company. Google makes some of its partners demonstrate Googlephilia. Microsoft requires love and a dowry. Autonomy’s language shifts the work to BB&D. Autonomy, in a rhetorical sense, adopts the posture of a Google or Microsoft. I find this as interesting as the use of the phrase “pan enterprise and high end information processing” as a synonym for search and content processing.

Stephen Arnold, September 3, 2009


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