Microsoft on Truth in Search Marketing

September 6, 2009

I got a kick out of the article “Coping with Hype in Enterprise Search Marketing” which appeared in early August 2009. I have to confess that the posts are few and far between, and I haven’t been dutiful in keeping up with the snail like pace of Microsoft Fast ESP. The author of the article identifies some issues with enterprise search marketing. You will have to visit the site and gobble up the observations yourself. One of the segments struck me as quite interesting. The blog post stated: “Infinite Scalability” which really means:

To get to very large volumes of content and queries, you may have to buy a lot of hardware and data center space.

Yep, big data centers just like the ones Microsoft built in San Antonio, Chicago, and other locations until the company chopped back on capital expenditures. What I found interesting is that for each of the identified exaggerations, I have in my files examples of these in presentations delivered by a certain Norwegian software company prior to its purchase by a large US firm in early 2009.

The write up has the ring of truth. I think it strikes close to Redmond and Oslo. Just my opinion.

Stephen Arnold, September 6, 2009


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