A Modest Facebook Hack

September 13, 2009

For you lovers of Facebook, swing on over to Pjf.id.au and read “Dark Stalking on Facebook”. This is search with some jaw power. The key segment was in my opinion:

If a large number of my friends are attending an event, there’s a good chance I’ll find it interesting, and I’d like to know about it. FQL makes this sort of thing really easy; in fact, finding all your friends’ events is on their Sample FQL Queries page. Using the example provided by Facebook, I dropped the query into my sandbox, and looked at the results which came back. The results were disturbing. I didn’t just get back future events my friends were attending. I got everything they had been invited to: past and present, attending or not.

Links and some how to tips. Have fun before the former Googlers and Facebookers hop to it.

Stephen Arnold, September 13, 2009


One Response to “A Modest Facebook Hack”

  1. A Modest Facebook Hack : Beyond Search | Berita Kita on September 13th, 2009 6:33 am

    […] the original post here: A Modest Facebook Hack : Beyond Search Categories: Object Tags: arnold – content – content-processing- – information – search 13 […]

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