Improving SharePoint Search Relevance

September 13, 2009

If you need some tips about ways to improve the relevance of SharePoint search, you will want to download Robert Mixon’s free “SharePoint Search Improving the Relevancy of Search Results”. This is a PDF file. The paper starts by explaining the difference between an Internet search and an Intranet search. You then learn about Microsoft “search scopes.” To be truthful, I don’t understand the terminology but I am strongly resistant to the invention of new search buzzwords. You get an example of slicing and dicing search results. We have struggled with some interesting challenges with Microsoft search systems. This white paper will provide some basic information. You will need to do further digging – probably quite a bit in my opinion — to find ways to tame the unruly tigers that prowl the SharePoint jungle.

Stephen Arnold, September 13, 2009


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