Mobile News Aggregation

September 23, 2009

I wrote an essay about the impending implosion of CNN. The problem with traditional media boils down to cost control. Technology along won’t keep these water logged outfits afloat. With demographics working against those 45 years of age and above, the shift from desktop computers to portable devices creates opportunities for some and the specter of greater marginalization for others. I saw a glimpse of the future when I looked at Broadersheet’s iPhone application. You can read about the service in “Broadersheet Launching “Intelligent News Aggregator” iPhone App”. The app combines real time content with more “traditional” RSS content. The operative words for me are “intelligent”” and “iPhone”. More information is available on the Broadersheet Web site. Software that learns and delivers information germane to my interests on a mobile device is not completely new, of course. The Broadsheet approach adds “time” options and a function that lets me add comments to stories. This is not convergence; the application makes clear the more genetic approach of blending DNA from related software functions.

Stephen Arnold, September23, 2009


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