SharePoint: One Day You Are In, One Day Out

September 25, 2009

The Google is flexing its muscles. Microsoft is reveling in a 10 share of the Web search market and trying to deal with Zune shortages. Windows 7 is approaching like a runaway freight train. SharePoint 10 is locked and loaded. So what does the Google Labs team do to add to Microsoft’s task list? Google releases a dead easy way to move info from SharePoint to the Google platform. To make life interesting for Redmond, Google shakes the open source sauce bottle. You can read a useful description the API in “Google Sites API Opens SharePoint Escape Route”. Important move which complements the WAC attack I wrote about in KMWorld. WAC means Wave, Android, and Chrome. The acronym is now WACS. Ouch.

Stephen Arnold, September 25, 2009


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