Exclusive Interview with CTO of BrightPlanet Now Available

October 13, 2009

William Bushee, BrightPlanet’s Vice President of Development and the company’s chief technologist, spoke with Stephen E. Arnold. The exclusive interview appears in the Search Wizards Speak series. Mr. Bushee was among the first search professionals to tackle Deep web information harvesting. The “Deep Web” refers to content that traditional Web indexing systems cannot access. Deep Web sites include most major news archives as well as thousands of specialized sources. These sources typically represent the best, most definitive content sources for their subject area. For example, in the health sciences field, the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, PubMed, Mayo Clinic, and American Medical Association are all Deep Web sites, often inaccessible from conventional Web crawlers like Google and Yahoo. BrightPlanet supported the ArnoldIT.com analysis of the firm’s system. As a result of this investigation, the technology warranted an in depth discussion with Mr. Bushee.

The wide ranging interview focuses on BrightPlanet’s search, harvest, and OpenPlanet technology. Mr. Bushee told Search Wizards Speak: “As more information is being published directly to the Web, or published only on the Web, it is becoming critical that researchers and analysts have better ways of harvesting this content.”

Mr. Bushee told Search Wizards Speak:

There are two distinct problems that BrightPlanet focuses on for our customers. First we have the ability to harvest content from the Deep Web. And second, we can use our OpenPlanet framework to add enrichment, storage and visualization to harvested content. As more information is being published directly to the Web, or published only on the Web, it is becoming critical that researchers and analysts have better ways of harvesting this content. However, harvesting alone won’t solve the information overload problems researches are faced with today. The answer to a research project cannot be simply finding 5,000 raw documents, no matter how good they are. Researchers are already overwhelmed with too many links from Google and too much information in general. The answer needs to be better harvested content (not search), better analytics, better enrichment and better visualization of intelligence within the content – this is where BrightPlanet’s OpenPlanet framework comes into play. While BrightPlanet has a solid reputation within the Intelligence Community helping to fight the “War on Terror” our next mission is to be known as the commercial and academic leaders in harvesting relevant, high quality content from the Deep Web for those who need content for research, business intelligence or analysis.

You can read the full text of the interview at http://www.arnoldit.com/search-wizards-speak/brightplanet.html. More information about the company’s products and services is available at http://www.brightplanet.com. Mr. Bushee’s technology has gained solid support from some professional researchers and intelligence agencies. BrightPlanet has moved “beyond search” with its suite of content processing technology.

Stephen Arnold, October 13, 2009


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