How to Make Money with Google AdSense Video Released

October 15, 2009

You can watch a four minute video that provides a quick primer on how to make money with AdSense. To view the video, navigate to and click on the Video link or click here. The video has been produced by the team to fill a gap in the flood of information about AdSense. “The idea,” said Stephen E. Arnold, “was to put in one place a quick overview and links that a person needs to get started with AdSense. My hope is that libraries will point patrons who want to find possible business ideas to these videos.” He added, “Google provides the information, but we learned from our client work that a quick overflight of the Google money making options as needed.”

The video series was announced at the International Computers in Library Conference in London, England today, October 15, 2009. In his talk he said, “Google offers the same type of opportunity for third parties as did Microsoft in the early 1980s. In these tough economic times, an understanding of the revenue potential the Google platform provides is a prudent business step.”

Five more videos in the “How to Make Money with Google” series will be released in the coming weeks. A person looking for extra revenue or a way to build a new career by focusing on the opportunities presented by the Google platform can view one or more of these videos to get’s view about what Google offers.

The next free video “Search Engine Optimization Consulting” will be released at the end of October 2009. Other free videos in the series cover writing programs for the Google platform, becoming a Google partner, and introductory and wrap up videos.

The videos are provided without charge for two reasons. According to Mr. Arnold, “We received client questions and spam promising “get rich quick” schemes regarding Google. I decided it would be a useful exercise to produce brief, factual videos to make clear that Google is a significant opportunity for motivated individuals, organizations, and commercial enterprises. Many people see Google as a one trick pony, even though Google has matured into a platform for programmers, consultants, and computer service businesses.”

The full series will be out by the end of November 2009 and can be viewed as individual videos or as a 35 minute program. is not affiliated with Google. The videos were designed and funded by Stephen E. Arnold.

Jessica Bratcher, October 15, 2009
No one paid for this write up.


3 Responses to “How to Make Money with Google AdSense Video Released”

  1. How to Make Money with Google AdSense Video Released : Beyond Search | MAKE CASH TODAY on October 16th, 2009 9:14 pm

    […] See the article here: How to Make Money with Google AdSense Video Released : Beyond Search […]

  2. How to Make Money with Google AdSense Video Released : Beyond Search | Peringkat Satu on October 17th, 2009 1:09 pm

    […] post: How to Make Money with Google AdSense Video Released : Beyond Search AKPC_IDS += "20,";Popularity: unranked [?] « Website Magazine Honors Blizzard Internet […]

  3. vivien on November 2nd, 2009 12:41 am

    Thanks for sharing. It is good information with video on how to make money with goggle adSense.

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