Maybe the Internet Was a Really Bad Idea?

November 4, 2009

I suppose that the last gasp of traditional media is to long for the days before the “Internet”. Read “The Monster Devouring Us.” Do you get the sense that the Daily Mail would be happier when paper was cheap, most folks were illiterate, distribution took place via horse drawn carts, and newspaper distributors were seven year old boys? I liked the line up of evils that the “Internet” has wrought. Even better was the spin that the wizards who created the “Internet” wish they had gone to pub and thrown darts or put that message in an envelope and dropped it in the letter box.

The problem is not the “Internet”. The challenges are more deeply rooted. Technology makes the idea of unintended consequences fun to analyze. I think it will be tough to go back in time, maybe to the halcyon days of the broadsheet. What I thought as I read the article was that if London, England’s newspapers continue on their present track, I will read about the evils of the “Internet” on a blog. Mr. Murdoch and a former official from the lands of the Tsars. Really.

The article has a great photo of the first computer used to send an email. I was hoping for the Web cam that showed the coffee pot at Cambridge University, however.

Stephen Arnold, November 4, 2009

Bet you a dime that no one paid me to write this opinion down. I am reporting this fact to the Administration on Aging.


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