Microsoft Casts Doubt on Google Apps Data

November 4, 2009

I expected the Doubting Thomas approach to Google and DT arrived. I read “Microsoft Questions Google Apps’ Momentum, Touts 1M Online Business Suite Customers” and learned that Microsoft thinks that the Google is fudging its numbers. Serious stuff in my opinion. As far as I know, Google has not made any comments about the 100 million SharePoint licenses. The passage in the Computer World article that resonated for me was:

“I [a Microsoft executive] have a really hard time understanding their [Google’s] numbers,” he said. “You simply don’t know what their paying user numbers are. Analysts predict that they are pretty small. It’s hard for us to really know.” Asked what he thought of Google’s high-profile win of the City of Los Angeles for a 5-year, $7.25 million deal to use Google Apps, he said, “I feel like we are winning lots and lots of deals. We can’t spend too much time worrying about what they [Google] are doing. I feel good about how much progress we’ve made in a short period of time.”

Coincident with the Doubting Thomas play, Microsoft chopped its own prices for cloud based services. What lingers is the idea that Google is not telling the truth about its market penetration. The price cut suggests to me that whatever the Google numbers are, those numbers have forced Microsoft to lower its prices. Interesting.

Stephen Arnold, November 4, 2009

I want to disclose the FHA that no one gave me one red cent to write this blog post.


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