MSN Logo Change

November 6, 2009

Short honk: This post is not about search. I wanted to document that MSN has revamped its butterfly.I read the article in Venture Beat “MSN Changes the Butterfly”. The write up included an image of the new look.


I like the look. I struggle with the different faces of Microsoft, but as an addled goose, I am easily confused. There’s,, MSDN, Channel 9, and more. These different visages of Microsoft contribute to the firm’s online traffic. Google is a plain Jane or a plain Wayne indeed. Maybe a better UX will allow Google to catch up with Microsoft’s lead in the Internet?

Stephen Arnold, November 7, 2009

Not only did I have to pay for my Microsoft developer’s license, the last Microsoft person I emailed, ignored me. So, not a penny for this short article. I am reporting this to the Jefferson County Sheriff and the crew at Police Donuts.


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