Hotel Search from Roomatlas

November 17, 2009

I had a conversation today (November 16, 2009) about augmentation and mash ups. The idea is that a map can display overlays. Combined with interactivity, not much searching is necessary to locate information on a specific topic. In the good old days, this type of narrow content focus would be a variant of “vertical search”. I received a link from one of the people with whom I spoke with a suggestion to look at the service.

Navigate to Roomatlas, and enter a city. The system displays a map with hotel rooms and their cost per night displayed. Here’s a screen shot of the results for my query “Washington DC”.


I liked this service.

Stephen Arnold, November 17, 2009

The Housing Office (HUD) will hear from me that I was not paid for this article. I have to pay for DC hotels, however.


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