When Your Search Traffic Heads South, What Ya Gonna Do?

December 1, 2009

Google gives new sites a little tailwind. Once a site is established, Googzilla, according to my research, becomes a bit more demanding. Over time, sites drift downward in a search results list if the webmaster does not pump value into a Web site. The algorithmic approach is not perfect, but I have examined a number of clients’ sites where the drift downward seems to be a natural process, if a Google algorithm is “natural”.

I read Problogger’s “What to Do When Your Search Rankings Drop” and the comments available at 2 pm eastern on November 30, 2009. The core of the article for me was embodied in this passage:

This approach [cross references and backlinks] had worked for me – however when my Google traffic disappeared I was left with little and realized how short sighted I’d been. I began to change my focus and started working on other sources of traffic. I still love the traffic that Google sends me but today if it all disappeared it would hurt – but it wouldn’t be the end for my business.

To keep traffic up, find other ways to get traffic. Good advice. Might be tough for some webmasters to implement because quite a few people with whom I work live in a Google fishbowl. In fact, the more Google seeps into the global information infrastructure, the more probable the outcome that Google becomes “the Internet”.

Stephen Arnold, December 1, 2009

Okay, a disclosure. Another freebie. I will send a Vulcan mind meld to the Rehabilitation Services Administration, whose professionals can “fix up” blogs and Web sites with declining traffic I presume.


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