Is Another Search Engine Is Struggling

December 9, 2009

Updated: December 10, 2009

A happy quack to the reader who sent me a link to the Danish ComputerWorld story about the break up and planned sale of this property. You can read “Mondo indgiver konkursbegæring” for the basics and get more color in “Kollapset Mondo splittes op i fire dele”. You don’t need much knowledge of Danish to figure out Kollapset. With more than 300 search and content processing vendors in my files, I think it may be difficult for the herd to survive given the available vegetation. Translation: too many hungry wallets, too little money to satisfy their appetites. Stay tuned because SharePoint 2010 may have claimed its first casualty. I can’t figure out who gets what in this business defriending. Once again those with unbounded confidence in their abilities demonstrate that some folks don’t know what they don’t know. Note: the addled goose has conflicting information regarding the ownership and products of Mondo. More info as it flows from the land of the Danes.

Stephen Arnold, December 9, 2009

I must report to the United Nations that I was not paid for this fuzzy wuzzy, imprecise, vague news item. Big surprise, eh?


2 Responses to “Is Another Search Engine Is Struggling”

  1. Adriaan Bloem on December 9th, 2009 6:57 pm

    Of course, this has been a bit tumultuous over the years and it’s hard to keep track. But this is about the software company Mondo, which, as far as I know, has nothing to do with SurfRay 2009 A/S (the current legal entity that owns, supports, and develops Ontolica and MondoSearch.)

  2. Thomas Fritzen on December 19th, 2009 6:28 am

    Mondo is just a danish web development house. 12 years ago there was a connection between Mondo and Mondosoft – but thats a long time in the internet industry.
    Other than the fact that Mondo was still a reseller of MondoSearch there are no current connection – and this will not influnce Surfray – and their search products
    in any significant way.

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