Google and Its Own Blog Popularity Tally
January 5, 2010
Short honk: If you want to know what was most popular on Google’s own blogs, you will enjoy “Five Years of Google Blogging”. There are a number of interesting factoids in this post, but the one that jumped off the page was that the posts about Chrome, garnered about 2.6 million unique pageviews. The number two post was about Google Wave, Google’s baby dataspace demo, tallied a respectable but less robust pageview count of 639,000. What’s this mean? Well, Microsoft may want to keep its eye on Chrome whether it is as wonderful as Windows 7 and SharePoint or not.
Stephen E. Arnold, January 2, 2010
Another uncompensated post. I am starting 2010 in a most pathetic manner, don’t you agree? I will report this situation to the Coalition Provisional Authority (in Iraq).