Bing and Slow Indexing

January 8, 2010

Short honk: I noticed a couple of years ago that for certain queries, Microsoft was faster than Google at displaying results. A bit of sleuthing revealed that Microsoft was caching aggressively. One of the people with whom I spoke suggested that Microsoft cached everything and as close to users as possible. We don’t have a data center in Harrod’s Creek, but close enough. Second, Microsoft was indexing only Web sites that were known to generate hits for popular queries. Unpopular Web sites at that time were skipped in order to speed up indexing. At a gig at a certain large software company a person in the know about Microsoft search told me that the expensive speed ups were a thing of the past. Microsoft was in Google territory. Sounded reasonable.

Flash forward to the here and now. Read “Microsoft Admits that Bing Is Slow at Indexing.” If this article is correct, Microsoft has not been able to resolve certain turtle like characteristics of its Google killer, For me, the most interesting comment was this quote allegedly made by a person in the know:

It is well known in the industry that MSNbot is fairly slow. I suggest reading our FAQs stickied at the top of the indexing forum to get some ideas of what to do.

Yikes. No wonder Google is pushing the “speed angle” as one of its marketing themes.

Stephen E. Arnold, January 8, 2010

Unpaid was I. I wrote for free. I must report to the Superfund Basic Research Program. What? You expected poetry?


One Response to “Bing and Slow Indexing”

  1. » Pandia Search Engine News Wrap-up January 10 on January 10th, 2010 8:24 am

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