Autonomy and Its Single Platform

March 8, 2010

I read “Autonomy Interwoven First to Deliver Integrated Web Content Management, Search, Optimization, and Rich Media on a Single Platform” and realized that the Autonomy team was beginning a position campaign. The Cambridge UK firm explained that it is “a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise.”

The key word in the write up, in my opinion, is “integrated.” Autonomy offers an integrated bundle of Web content management, search, search engine optimization, and rich media on the IDOL platform. With enterprises struggling to hold down costs, the bundle may allow some organizations to reduce certain license fees, engineering and professional services costs, and the problem solving that goes hand in hand with complicated multi-vendor sets ups.

One added twist to the bundle is its support for targeting. The idea is that the Autonomy system can get the appropriate content in front of a specific target. The company said:

The platform provides the full spectrum of implicit and explicit targeting capabilities across all channels, including web, contact center, and social media. Unlike other marketing technologies, Autonomy automatically tags and forms a conceptual understanding of all content, inside and outside a corporation. This underlying capability allows businesses to instantly deliver more relevant, targeted content to customers.

My opinion is that integrated systems are of considerable interest to many CFOs. Information technology costs are difficult to control. When the money is rolling in, that’s not a big deal. When money is not so plentiful, IT becomes a problem. CFOs need solutions that jump over the hurdles an existing software system presents. Autonomy’s new bundle will get a close look. Will it resolve the problems that keep CFOs up at night? It’s too soon to tell.

You can learn more about this integrated system at

Stephen E Arnold, March 8, 2010

No one paid me to write this news item. Since the company is based in the UK, to whom to I report my failure to get cash on the barrel head. Ah, the Department of State, a globally aware organization if there ever was one.


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