Google and Its Chinese Options

March 14, 2010

I saw a flurry of news stories which seem to originate in a Reuters item. The gist is that Google is pulling out of China. Sounds good because it is a bold move by a company that is operating as a supra national entity.

Here’s the map of options from my 2006 study, published in 2007 by Infonortics Ltd. in Tetbury, Glos.


See page 246 and following in Google Version 2.0: The Calculating Predator.

You can see that our research identified four options. So far, Google has applied option 2, opportunism, option 4, embracing China, and now is alleged threatening option 1, abandoning the market.

I am not ready to see this as a “game over” situation. I stand by the work I did in 2006, because Google’s actions have to be put into an appropriate context. Google is playing a game for high stakes but a game nevertheless.

This statement “Google 99.9 Pct Sure to Shut China Search Engine: Report” is a bold statement. But until the service goes dead and there is zero access from China to Google for any type of search and retrieval function, I am inclined to wait for the next action.

If you want to read our analysis from 2006, you can still get a copy of Google Version 2.0: The Calculating Predator. The information is germane to today’s interest in things Google.

Stephen E Arnold, March 14, 2010

No one paid me to write this self serving marketing item. True, I get royalties from my three Google studies, but my publisher is in a far off land relaxing, not marketing my timely analyses. Sigh.


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