Why Bing Is Gaining on Google

March 15, 2010

eWeek ran an interesting story a week or so ago. “10 Reasons Why Microsoft Bing Is Gaining on Google.” I read the article when it became available and I sat on it. I wanted to see what happened to Google. The market share data for Web search is squishy, and my view is that Google is contributing to Bing’s success more than Bing is contributing to Bing’s success. This idea is not the focus on the eWeek article.

The eWeek article points to such factors as integration, partnerships, and social networks plus seven other factors. I think these are indicative of buzzword juggling, not what is actually happening.

My view is:

  1. Google is in the midst of a one two punch, backlash and fatigue. Microsoft is benefiting.
  2. Google’s management is becoming increasingly aggressive and causing even the fuzzy wuzzy Google followers to wonder if they should accept a Google mouse pad and write happy things about the company.
  3. Google is in the news but most of the news is either negative or sort of crazy. One example is that Google is giving China the evil eye. Hey, China is a country. Google is a new type of company but when countries and companies collide, unless the company owns the country, the country will win.

Google has passed a line in the digital sand. Bing, despite its heritage and its weaknesses, looks a lot more appealing to some folks I opine.

Stephen E Arnold, March 15, 2010

Nope, a freebie. Who would pay me to write this type of comment which goes against the straight and true grain of a “real” publishing company. Ah, grain. I must report non payment to the Department of Agriculture.


One Response to “Why Bing Is Gaining on Google”

  1. » Pandia Search Engine News Wrap-up March 21 on March 21st, 2010 9:15 am

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