Google Wants Independent Bands

March 18, 2010

Short honk: Ask yourself this question, “Why does Google want independent bands on YouTube?” Read the news story “YouTube Introduces Musicians Wanted for Indie Bands.” One piece of the answer appears in this comment:

To get on to Musicians Wanted, you need to apply through the site’s partner programme. If you are then selected by YouTube, you will have your own dedicated page where you can add gig listings, links to buying your music and your live videos and music. To get money from the site, you will get the ‘majority’ of advertising revenue. And you will also get a share of funds if your music video is embedded on to other sites.

For the full answer, you can read my forthcoming study which will be published by Intellas in mid 2010. In the meantime, watch for other Googley actions in the non text sectors.

Stephen E Arnold, March 18, 2010

Shameless marketing of my new study. I paid myself to write this stellar article.


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