Infrastructure Ripple from SharePoint

March 22, 2010

Navigate to Thor Projects and read the article “Infrastructure Ripple Effect – The Story of Servers, Racks and Power.” I have about 48 inches of screen real estate and I needed all of it to read the article. The layout is – in a word – interesting. The point of the write up, in my opinion, is summarized in this passage from the article:

I am reminded that any change creates a ton of little ripples.

When an information technology pro runs into problems with a single server, I wonder what the impact of more massive on premises changes might be.

I thought about Mauro Cardarelli’s “Where Does SharePoint Still Fall Short?” when I thought about adding hardware. He wrote:

Let’s face it; the interface for security management is confusing and cumbersome… even for people who use it every day. What are the consequences? First, you increase the likelihood of security breaches (i.e. showing content to the wrong audience). Second, you increase the likelihood of giving users permissions greater than necessary. Finally, you increase the likelihood of a having a security model that is highly diluted and overly complex. This is probably why the 3rd party market for SharePoint administration has been so strong… someone needs to pay attention to what these folks are doing! But I would argue that this is reactive (versus proactive) management… and things need to be taken one step further.

Hardware and security. Hmmm.

Stephen E Arnold, March 22, 2010

No one paid me to write this article. I will report this to the Salvation Army, an outfit that knows about work without pay. Perhaps the cloud access to SharePoint will obviate the problem?


One Response to “Infrastructure Ripple from SharePoint”

  1. ARB Security Solutions » Infrastructure Ripple from SharePoint : Beyond Search on March 22nd, 2010 1:30 am

    […] SharePoint Blog Post From SharePoint Security – Google Blog Search: Finally, you increase the likelihood of a having a security model that is highly diluted and […]

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