Vamosa and SchemaLogic

March 24, 2010

A happy quack to the reader who took me to task for not covering SchemaLogic more diligently. I check out my Overflight service and I can tell quickly if a search and content processing vendor is making some marketing tracks. Autonomy is on the ball; many of the vendors I track are either lacking in marketing savvy, marketing resources, or marketing energy.

I want to point to SchemaLogic’s tie up with Vamosa. SchemaLogic makes a controlled vocabulary server. The company has other technical capabilities, but I want to highlight the server product. With it, an organization can tame the wild ponies of uncontrolled tagging. SharePoint offers this users-can-do-it approach, and I think that uncontrolled tagging creates some interesting retrieval challenges. SchemaLogic’s server is a traffic cop, authority file, and repository. The software enforces some order on indexing or metatagging as the 20-somethings prefer.

Vamosa is a services firm and it is one of the many companies that offer consulting and information governance expertise to organizations. The idea is that in a SharePoint environment, people learn pretty quickly that there are problems “finding” information. Vamosa to the rescue.

The tie up allows Vamosa to offer a solution and SchemaLogic to get some marketing support. You can get details about the deal in the write up “Vamosa Adds More Content Governance Capabilities via MetaPoint.”

For information about Vamosa navigate to the firm’s Web site, For information about SchemaLogic, you can find information at

Stephen E Arnold, March 24, 2010


One Response to “Vamosa and SchemaLogic”

  1. Nic Archer on March 24th, 2010 5:20 am

    Stephen, thanks for the mention of Vamosa. Just to set the record straight, Vamosa does provide services in the area of content governance, but we are also a software vendor. Our best known product is Vamosa Content Migrator and was easily the first product in the content migration space. It provides any to any extract transform and load capabilities for content. We see governance as being the motivator for many migrations and to that end we now have a suite of governance software and services. Our partnership with SchemaLogic dovetails nicely into the governance play as our products provide the governance platform, and the MetaPoint product is the cop who makes sure the governance detail is adhered to. Thanks for the mention!

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