FileFinda: Not So Good at Math, Good at Finding MP3s
April 7, 2010
An interesting file share search engine will catch the attention of some legal eagles. The service is According to the company’s Web site: “This site [] is a new but fast growing file share search engine.” You don’t need to register. Type in your search term; for example, a word or a sequence like “MP3” and hit enter. The system generates hits that are spidered by the crawler. The top search when I checked the service on April 6, 2010, are shown in the screenshot below:
I am not sure who Lil Wayne is, but he is one of the most searched entities. Coming in the top three with one search is “18 Russian teens xxx”. I am not sure how the numbers are generated or how these are ranked, but Lil Wayne is number one with 11,156 users entering the phrase and the number three query is “18 Russian teens xxx” with one person entering the query. Metrics aside. If you enter “MP3 Beatles”, for instance, you get the following display:
My hunch is that this type of service will attract some folks who are willing to overlook the oddities of the service’s “top searches” metrics. Looks like teen spirit to me. Some of the results are ones that may offend your co-workers.
When you try to download a file, you can do it for free or you can become a premium user. A premium user can download files larger than two gigabytes. A year’s subscription to the service is about $80 but you can subscribe on a monthly, 90 day or six month basis.
Who would care about this service? You will figure it out once you run some queries or click on the tag cloud.
Stephen E Arnold, April 7, 2010
A freebie.