Boston Search Engine Meeting and Exalead

April 9, 2010

The Evvie Award recognizes outstanding work in the field of search and content processing. Ev Brenner, one of the original founders of the Boston Search Engine Meeting emphasized the need to acknowledge original research and innovative thinking. After Mr. Brenner died, the Boston Search Engine Meeting, then owned by a company in the UK, instituted the Evvie award. This year, the Evvie is sponsored by Exalead, one of the leaders in search-based applications and, are sponsoring the award. in addition to a cash recognition of $1,000, the recipient receives the Evvie shown below.

evvie small

For more information about the premier search and content processing conference, navigate to the Search Engine Meeting Web site. You can review the program and pre conference activities.

For more information about Exalead, navigate to the Exalead Web site. You can see a demonstration of the Exalead system on the site here and you can explore next generation search and content processing innovations at Exalead’s “labs” site.

For more information about the award, click here.

Stephen E Arnold, April 9, 2010

This post is sponsored by, Exalead, and Information Today, Inc.


One Response to “Boston Search Engine Meeting and Exalead”

  1. Seth Grimes on April 9th, 2010 10:18 am

    I’m looking forward to meeting you at the conference.

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