Google Client Stumbles, Not the Google
May 1, 2010
The Los Angeles shift from on premises software to Google Apps has hit some choppy water. The story I read was “L.A. Stumbles In Deployment Of Google Apps.” Note that Google did not stumble. The client stumbled. Here’s the key passage in my opinion:
Santana [an LA administrative officer] explained, “Performance concerns focused on the slowness with which e-mails were sent, received, and accessed in the new system. Functionality concerns focused on features currently available in GroupWise that are unavailable, or significantly different, in Google’s system. Further, the Los Angeles Police Department indicated that several security issues have yet to be resolved, and that a pilot of its technical support staff must be successfully completed before it can be expanded to the rest of the LAPD.”
I wonder if the integrator is responsible for addressing these issues or will the client have to be Googley and figure it out.
Stephen E Arnold, May 1, 2010
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