Kindle Tracks User Highlights
May 7, 2010
I am not sure how I like this tracking of what I highlight. I read “Amazon Tracking Most Highlighted Kindle Passage.” I do quite a bit of open source work. I mark up documents anyone can read. What my method yields is a passage, maybe a phrase, that yields a nugget of information. Many public sources contain substantive information. In my experience, some authors are not aware that their seemingly innocuous remarks reveal actionable intelligence. Knowing what I “mark” is taking my specialized type of analysis and having access to that quite valuable meta component. You may not care about this type of tracking. I do.
Here is the passage that annoyed me:
Amazon is now tracking passages and books most highlighted on the Kindle and displaying them on its website. While the Kindle allows its customers to highlight book passages that are meaningful to them, Amazon does display them anonymously.
Your mileage may vary.
Stephen E Arnold, May 7, 2010
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