Google Blocked from Indexing a UK Newspaper

June 2, 2010

Short honk: I may have missed the item “Murdoch Blocks Google from Indexing London Times Articles.” News Corp. may be testing different approaches to making content available to search robots from the Google. The Wall Street Journal approach seems more stringent that the London Times approach. My view is that traffic will drop. The revenue from for-fee sign ups will take time to ramp up. The margins enjoyed in the salad days of newspapers may be difficult, expensive, and time consuming to rebuild. This will be interesting to watch. Google has time on its side, however. On the side of News Corp. are the many legal hassles that Google faces. Legal eagles may change Google’s methods helping to make News Corp. the winner again. On the other hand, Google may win and the News Corp. end up in a worse mess than its management envisioned.

Stephen E Arnold, June 2, 2010



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