Google Follows the Autobahn Lane Instructions

June 5, 2010

Short honk: I was delighted to read in the Financial Times and a number of other articles that Google allegedly will “hand over intercepted data” to German authorities. A government’s rules are like the white lines of the autobahn. The “data” are those presumed to have been captured from open Wi Fi transmissions due to an unfortunate error. The Fast Company story “Google Hands Over “Rogue Data” to Euro Authorities, Apologizes Again” said:

Germany is the only country considering a criminal investigation, but Google pledged to hand documents over to France and Spain as well.

Fascinating that a single event could trigger a Facebook-like outcry. In high school, I recall a person in my remedial class in math saying, “It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission.” Observing the white lines on the information autobahn in Germany makes sense in my opinion.

Stephen E Arnold, June 4, 2010



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