Quote to Note: Management Excellence at AOL and Time Warner

June 13, 2010

This quote to note appeared in the Daily Telegraph’s “Yahoo! Shakes on a New Type of Partnership.” If an accurate statement, it helps me understand the AOL and Time Warner way:

Here’s the passage that made me honk:

A former AOL executive said the best line to me this week – which summed up the crazy technology acquisition culture perfectly: “Every business we [AOL] ever bought we destroyed – until we bought Time Warner and they destroyed us.”

The write up provides some insight into Yahoo, but Yahoo’s track record in acquisitions is notable for the number of business school analyses each has triggered in my opinion.

Stephen E Arnold, June 13, 2010



One Response to “Quote to Note: Management Excellence at AOL and Time Warner”

  1. Quote to Note: Management Excellence at AOL and Time Warner … « Management Fair on June 13th, 2010 3:50 am

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