Enterprise 2.0? How Is That Working for You?

June 26, 2010

At my SLA Spotlight session on June 15, 2010, I was asked my opinion about the most recent Internet tempest-in-a-teapot discussion. On one side are university boffins who argue that new media open new doors. On the other side, are stick-in-the-mud pundits who explain that tweeting kills one’s brain.

I said, “I don’t have much of an opinion. I am too old and too set in my ways to get excited about the hot new gizmos that some folks trot out like show horses.” My questioner wanted more sizzle and drifted away. I haven’t given the Enterprise 2.0, real time tweet, and Facebook friend worlds much thought. To be truthful, I have given it zero thought since June 15, 2010.

A few moments ago I read “Enterprise 2.0 Can Make Us Inefficient: Use in Moderation.” I realized that this most recent philosophy discussion means zip. If an organization can’t pay its bills, it is a flop. I don’t think tweets or fooling around with an iPhone will have much to do with it. Customers vote with their dollars. No votes, out of office.

Distractions come in many forms. Those who lack the ability to focus on a job will demonstrate that fine characteristic whether there is an iPad clutched in a hand or eyeballs directed at a YouTube.com video.

Who can disagree with moderation? Those at either end of the spectrum. The problem is that moderation does not sell enterprise solutions. So, how is that Enterprise 2.0 promise working for you? Is your company rolling in dough? Raising salaries? Reducing the work day? Increasing bonuses? Thought not.

Stephen E Arnold, June 26, 2010



One Response to “Enterprise 2.0? How Is That Working for You?”

  1. Blogging Innovation » When Should Management Push Enterprise 2.0 Adoption? « Fredzimny's Blog on June 27th, 2010 2:16 pm

    […] Enterprise 2.0? How Is That Working for You? (arnoldit.com) […]

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