Google Gets a Yes in Its Chinese Fortune Cookie

July 9, 2010

Short honk: The BBC reported that Google has a Web page license. “Google Says China License Renewed by Government” noted:

Google has had a long history of run-ins with the Chinese authorities, but without a license granted by Beijing, it cannot operate in China. “Our operations in China are completely at the discretion of the Chinese government,” Mr. Schmidt has said.

Our view from the goose pond is that China sent Google a message. In diplomatic terms, I think this means that Google’s fortune cookie contain some good news. However, Google will get hungry again and have to order another Chinese meal. What will that meal’s fortune cookie say?

The license is a reminder that China is a country and Google is a company. Get too frisky and could the Chinese chef insert something quite surprising in the fried rice?

Stephen E Arnold, July 9, 2010



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