Google, Social Media, and a Trail of Tears

July 15, 2010

In university, I had a professor who talked about long marches that did not work out exactly as planned. I recall the Napoleon thing, the Trail of Tears thing, and the Mao march. When I looked at “Google’s Long History of Social Media Attempts,” I wondered, “Does history repeat itself?”


Source: Edward Tufte via

Google, according to the write up, began its journey in social media in February 2003. I think Google is supposed to reach Xanadu in late 2010 or possibly early 2011. That’s an eight year slog and Google is confident that it will arrive fresh as a daisy. How did that Napoleon thing in Russia work out when the lads returned home? Attrition was the word required to get an A in that history class. Happens to the most powerful.

Stephen E Arnold, July 15, 2010



One Response to “Google, Social Media, and a Trail of Tears”

  1. Matt McKnight on July 15th, 2010 8:58 am

    Hmm… I think they’ve actually done better than most. Facebook is going to keep running into problems, and I think Google or other innovators will be ready to catch. This sort of thing is why I basically dropped off of facebook. It’s like on Seinfeld when George’s worlds collided.

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