Lucene Revolution Conference Details

July 15, 2010

The Beyond Search team received an interesting news release from a reader in San Francisco. We think the information reveals the momentum that is building for open source search. Here’s the story as we received it:

San Mateo, Calif. – July 14, 2010 – Lucid Imagination, the commercial company for Apache Lucene and Solr open source search technologies, is pleased to announce speakers for Lucene Revolution, the first-ever conference [EV1] in the US devoted to open source search. The conference will take place October 7-8, 2010 at the Hyatt Harborside, Boston, Massachusetts. Lucene Revolution is a groundbreaking event that drives broad participation in open source enterprise search , creating opportunities for developers, technologists and business leaders to explore the disruptive new benefits that open source enterprise search makes possible, in a fresh, energetic and forward thinking format.

The diverse and widespread adoption of Lucene/Solr for enterprise search applications is reflected by the broad range of speakers at the event, such as:

  • Cisco Systems: Satish Gannu
  • eHarmony: Joshua Tuberville
  • LinkedIn: John Wang
  • Sears: David Oliver
  • The McClatchy Company: Martin Streicher
  • The Smithsonian: Ching-Hsien Wang
  • Twitter: Michael Busch

Conference speakers represent a cross-section of Lucene/Solr adoption – including new media, ecommerce, embedded search applications, content management, social media, and security and intelligence – spanning the broad spectrum of production-class enterprise search implementations, all of whom leverage the power and economics of Lucene/Solr innovation.

Other industry thought leaders participating and sharing their insights into open source enterprise search include Hadley Reynolds (Research Director, Search & Digital Marketplace Technologies, IDC) and Stephen E. Arnold (Beyond Search; Managing Partner, ArnoldIT).

Over the two days of the conference there are over 30 sessions scheduled in a variety of different formats: technical presentations, use cases, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions. In addition there will be an “un-conference” the evening of October 7, where attendees can present lightning talks and take part in hands-on community coding efforts.

Registration for Lucene Revolution is now open for the conference at: A full list of speakers, along with a complete conference agenda, is available at

If you are not familiar with Lucid, here’s a snapshot:

Lucid Imagination is the commercial company dedicated to Apache Lucene technology. The company provides value-added software, documentation, commercial-grade support, training, high-level consulting, and free certified distributions, for Lucene and Solr. Lucid Imagination’s goal is to serve as a central resource for the entire Lucene community and search marketplace, to make enterprise search application developers more productive. Customers include AT&T, Sears, Ford, Verizon, Elsevier, Zappos, The Motley Fool, Macy’s, Cisco, HP, The Guardian and many other household names. Lucid Imagination is a privately held venture-funded company. Investors include Granite Ventures, Walden International, In-Q-Tel and Shasta Ventures. To learn more please visit

Goslings Constance Ard and Dr. Tyra Oldham will be attending. Should be useful. Certainly more timely than the plethora of SharePoint and gasping one-size-fits-all programs. Honk.

Stephen E Arnold, July 15, 2010

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