Sky Falls, Web Changes or Is It Sky Changes, Web Falls?

July 19, 2010

It’s Time to Prepare for the End of the Web as We Know It” telling us we should all ready for a change in the Web is true, at least according to Morgan Stanley, a company that should know. It’s no big surprise global internet surfing will be bigger on mobile devices than on PCs in the near future, but to suggest the entire Web will change might be a little premature. It was working this morning, right?

Apps will rule and fun will take over from grandiose design, according to the piece in and it wont be enough to repurpose content like newspapers did for the Web in the 1990s. The idea that applications will become search is a popular one. The problem is that no one defines search. In fact, few marketers define anything except their billable hours and even those reports can require a team of linguists to interpret. How many billable hours fit into a 40 hour work week?

A new way of thinking will be designs for the apps age, according to Steve Rubel, senior VP-director of insights at Edelman Digital. He makes some good arguments but wasn’t the Web going to be the end of mass media in general way back when? The addled goose never gets it right. Is it the sky falls and the Web changes or is it the sky changes and the Web falls. Well, one or the other.

Stephen E Arnold, July 19, 2010


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