Guess Who Is Gunning for the Google?

July 21, 2010

Microsoft and Yahoo?

Yep. Automating search requests seems to be paying off for Yahoo and Microsoft as they gained a little more ground on the industry leader Google in June. However, isn’t exactly optimistic the trailers will catch up to the Google any time soon. Although they might have the top search engine in their crosshairs, a recently published article Yahoo, Microsoft Gain Ground on Google in Search, still states that Google owned 62.6% of the pie all through June.

Granted these numbers are down a bit from the 63.7% they enjoyed the previous month, but in our opinion the real threat to Google supremacy doesn’t come from other search engines at all. When recent polls indicate that people are also using Facebook and Twitter to get to websites on the Internet, the real challenge might come from social media.

Yahoo and Microsoft are shivering with excitement. Google now has a laser target finder on its brow. And with rumors of more turnover in the Microsoft search unit, Microsoft wants to recruit more sharpshooters. Maybe the Microsoft search blogs will get some much needed attention and substance.

Stephen E Arnold, July 20, 2010


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