Is Facebook Stalled on the Railroad Tracks?

July 22, 2010

Legal hassles may be escalating. The Google is – slowly, I admit – gearing up for a social push. And according to an article “Are We Reaching Peak Facebook”? in Future Tense, written by Jeff Horwich, we might be seeing the beginning of the decline of Facebook. It seems to be the social media site had a terrible June and only had growth that approached the population size of Minneapolis. That’s 330,000 people that month alone.

If the tone here sounds snide, read on…it’s not necessarily so. Facebook had a May where they logged in almost 8 million new users. The dip seems to be a result of the some users getting disgruntled with some of their policies and some other hash media attention, but to think they are hitting the brick wall is a little fanciful. Bad attention for Facebook only has a temporary effect. They’ve been able to listen for any trains approaching in the past and step away to let problems pass. That could account for the fact they are matching Orkut in India and Brazil.

Rob Starr, July 22, 2010



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