Vivisimo Chases Call Center Sales

July 22, 2010

One of the most frustrating things for a call center agent is not having the information that a customer needs right at their fingertips. Any business knows that they can lose customers when they have agents fumbling around through applications looking for answers, and no one really has the resources to be constantly updating this kind of information.

Sometimes the solutions come from unlikely sources. Vivisimo started by supplying applications for the military and academia but is now tackling the more practical problems that call centers face with Velocity. Here’s a real company on the move and they swear by this new information platform which they say optimizes fragmented information with any easy to use interface.

Vivisimo’s history begins with an on-the-fly clustering function, veers into Web indexing, jumps to enterprise search, embraced integration, and now flirts with call center search. Agility or chasing revenue? The goslings and I are not sure.

Now is most definitely the time for some of the world’s best companies to apply their knowledge to practical economic solutions.

Vivisimo may have to show some Autonomy-style innovation to make a quantum leap in revenue in my opinion.

Stephen E Arnold, July 22, 2010


One Response to “Vivisimo Chases Call Center Sales”

  1. Raul Valdes-Perez on July 22nd, 2010 2:26 pm

    “Agility or chasing revenue?” How about a third option:
    Addressing specific business problems and opportunities,
    with demonstrable value to the organizations.

    Among the ones addressed are Customer Service, Supply
    Chain, Sales Enablement, R&D, and Government

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