Computer Does Stand Up. Sucks.

July 28, 2010

Did you hear the joke “What a grizzly memorial park?” Give up. “A gray-veyard.” Don’t believe me. Navigate to “The Joking Computer” and give it a whirl. You will how far content processing has come and how far it has to go. I don’t what to know what university funded this service. I don’t want to use the service. I will stick to my Tess does computers humor, the azurini references, and my persona as an addled goose. No smart computer needed.

Stephen E Arnold, July 27, 2010



One Response to “Computer Does Stand Up. Sucks.”

  1. marc arenstein on July 29th, 2010 2:43 am

    The missing context: “The software was originally developed by scientists from the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh to provide children with cerebral palsy, or similar impairments, with a device to help them advance their language abilities”.

    The fact that it got repurposed and unveiled to the general public is probably inappropriate. Adult kids don’t always get tickled the same way kid kids do just as most kids don’t “get” adult content. I recall how my son always quickly changed the channel – if when the tv was turned on and some adult program or movie was on he showed no interest – and turned back to the kiddy programs.

    I find this post an interesting example of how unsought-for context may have changed the whole editorial thrust. Ask me? You always need context even where it seems obvious you don’t. In fact, that just might be where you need it the most. My question re: The Joking Computer is how come this got repurposed? The original idea seems to be a good one. What happened? Were there evaluations? Did the funding run out?

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