Microsoft Seeks Rare Search Panda
September 2, 2010
I was not too surprised when I read “MS Seeks Net Search Partner.” The story said that Microsoft wanted to find a search partner for the China market. I thought Microsoft had and nifty translation, Unicode, and lots of engineers with considerable China-related experience. My knowledge of Chinese search is shallow, but what do you expect from a goose? A Harvard Business Review person? According to the write up:
Simon Leung, Microsoft’s Chief Executive for greater China, told the Journal in an interview that the company plans to invest about US$100 million (S$ 134.8 million) in Chinese companies. Mr Leung told the paper that Microsoft will target companies in sectors including software, cloud computing and possibly even gaming.
I am not certain that Microsoft has enough dough earmarked for this new Chinese adventure. Spending less on the Windows 7 Phone marketing might be a good idea. Google and China have found a way to create an opportunity for Microsoft. Will Microsoft pull off a coup? I hope so. The timing is okay, but I wonder why does not do what needs to be done? Microsoft needs a rare search panda, preferably one that is not nocturnal and one that is not unacceptable to the Chinese officials.
Stephen E Arnold, September 2, 2010