The Google Car: The Goose View Mirror

October 11, 2010

Short honk: Geese don’t drive unless killed, processed, and converted to pillows. At that stage, the geese are transported, and that’s the idea behind the Google “look, ma, no hands” Math Club car. The received wisdom appears in “Google working on Self-Driving Cars.” Some bafflement swirls about this Google initiative. Here’s the goose’s view:

  1. When Google drives, Google has geospatial data. Yep, it’s still search.
  2. When Google drives, it has a captive audience who may be surfing or otherwise consuming digital goodies in a Google-equipped vehicle
  3. When Google drives, Google can serve ads just like the ones Sun execs wanted so a burger joint was readily accessible without unnecessary exits and delays.

In short, the Google car makes a lot of sense and cents.

Stephen E Arnold, October 11, 2010


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