Google Instant Stop Words

October 14, 2010

Stick a word in a stop word or black list and the user won’t know the difference. A reader sent me a link to an alleged Google Instant black list. Published on the 2600 Web site, you can peruse what won’t generate an automatic list of results. The list appears in the story “Google Black List: Words that Google Instant Doesn’t Like”. At lunch today, one of the goslings thought a Google black list Scrabble game would be fun. Another wanted to buy some as AdWords. I remained unflappable because filters, stop words, and black lists are often present, working silently and unobtrusively. Now what about objective search results? Didn’t think so.

Stephen E Arnold, October 14, 2010



One Response to “Google Instant Stop Words”

  1. Kimberlee Morrison on October 14th, 2010 12:55 pm

    Google search results haven’t been objective for a long time. I guess people are just starting to realize.

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