New Virtual Shopping Assistant Opens Doors

October 15, 2010

More about the search-without-search boomlet. With the large number of products available on the market, picking out a simple item can seem as complicated as buying a new car. When it comes to technology such as computers, the fact that they change so often can make it difficult to know exactly what to buy. The company SalesClark wants to help shoppers make those hard decisions with the release of their automated virtual shopping assistant. PR Web article “SalesClark Brings Artificial Intelligence to Online Shopping” describes the program which is designed to make shopping easier and more efficient. The CEO of SalesClark describes the program as “An intelligent shopping assistant saves time and money for busy customers.” A brief customer consultation allows the program to connect shoppers with the products that best meet their needs. Users can enjoy the convenience of finding the products they want quicker and easier. The SalesClark beta version is being released to the public and is geared towards helping shoppers find a new computer. Users can choose the exact features or options they want and get quick and accurate results. Whether you are a beginner making your first computer purchase or a skilled novice this virtual shopping assistant does all the work for you.

April Holmes, October 15, 2010



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