Yahoo Is Tired, Miserable

October 19, 2010

That’s one way to characterize the outfit that blew off Microsoft and $45 billion. I was thinking of a different word, but I am not a professional newspaper info thing. Point your browser at “Yahoo Used to Be a Giant. Now It’s Down to Its Last Hurrah”, please. Note this passage:

Will somebody please put Yahoo, the fading internet star, out of its misery?

They shoot horses, don’t they? I quite like the reference to “fruity” as well. Sweet. Tangy. Not salty.

Stephen E Arnold, October 19, 2010



2 Responses to “Yahoo Is Tired, Miserable”

  1. Dan on October 19th, 2010 12:18 am

    I remember when Yahoo was the best. I think I was about 13. Then Google came out. I thought it was over for Yahoo way back then. But one thing you can’t take away from Yahoo, and thats Yahoo! Sports. Simply the best sporting site on the internet, bar none.

  2. Wednesday Quickie – Yahoo | on October 19th, 2010 11:34 am

    […] Yahoo Is Tired, Miserable ( […]

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