Test Your Feelings toward Sentiment Analysis

October 22, 2010

A happy quack to the reader who alerted us to “Lexalytics, Inc. Offer s No-Hassle Trial of Text Analytics Solution.” My understanding of algorithms understanding text created by free thinking, often creative geese is flawed. Years ago, sentiment analysis was matching a document’s words against a controlled term list. Lots of negative words or phrases such as “My lawyer” would pile up points on the negative side of the ledger. Happy words like “loved” and “wonderful” flipped bits on the positive side. A document with more negatives than positives was a nastygram. In the dark ages, we used a reddish light to indicate trouble. A green light flagged a document as fodder for the PR Trents and Janes. The yellow light indicated that we didn’t have a clue. Today systems are allegedly more sophisticated. You can test this yourself by navigating to Lexalytics.com and download the Text Analytics Trial. You can crunch 50 documents. Get in touch with your inner feelings toward sentiment analysis. For this goose, I will paddle across the pond content to allow humans to figure out if other humans have positive or negative feelings toward a product, person, thing, or software system.

Stephen E Arnold, October 22, 2010



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